Messages from the Angels
Messages from Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Others
Saturday, January 4th, 2003:
While channeling, Rev. Jean perceives Archangel Gabriel as a golden light and he often visits along with Archangel Michael. Gabriel is the being you call on when "enough is truly enough."
Archangel Gabriel speaks: There is very little sweetness in this world at this time. The love of family is important to mankind. We must manifest JOY to create a pool for spiritual work to come through. Joy and peace, lack of fear and oppression will allow spiritual work to come through. You must recognize the greatness and worth in you.
Michael comes to Jean on a clear blue light. During the same reading he conveyed this message through Jean:
Archangel Michael speaks: I am the defender of this planet and its light. Light is mandatory right now… Light consciousness, light speech, light hearted. We heed your service. We cannot afford depression, worry…The glamour of worry is no longer a privilege that you have. Worry is co-creating in darkness. See the good things...
...At any moment a soul and spirit may call a life. If those you love dismiss themselves from the body, sing chants of joy, sing chants of joy. Comfort the children and those who do not understand that you do not leave alone. You are never alone when you leave (die). Many will be leaving the planet. Their souls complied in advance. This is the natural rule. Pray for your family every day, because such a prayer encompasses humanity. Think of each person in your life every day and ask yourself if you have clearly said to them that you love them. Do not put yourself in a position where you leave regretting that you were angry at your husband or had words with your neighbor. Enjoy. Love is and continues always. Keep a part of all you love alive and within reach. Keep pictures of your children. Teach your children about their elders.
Archangel Gabriel, April 2003: "You must know that when there is the presence of angels there is absolutely nothing to fear. There is no force more powerful than direct, clear spiritual love. And that is what the angels operate in, through, around and with all the time. It never ceases."
While channeling, Rev. Jean perceives Archangel Gabriel as a golden light and he often visits along with Archangel Michael. Gabriel is the being you call on when "enough is truly enough."
Archangel Gabriel speaks: There is very little sweetness in this world at this time. The love of family is important to mankind. We must manifest JOY to create a pool for spiritual work to come through. Joy and peace, lack of fear and oppression will allow spiritual work to come through. You must recognize the greatness and worth in you.
Michael comes to Jean on a clear blue light. During the same reading he conveyed this message through Jean:
Archangel Michael speaks: I am the defender of this planet and its light. Light is mandatory right now… Light consciousness, light speech, light hearted. We heed your service. We cannot afford depression, worry…The glamour of worry is no longer a privilege that you have. Worry is co-creating in darkness. See the good things...
...At any moment a soul and spirit may call a life. If those you love dismiss themselves from the body, sing chants of joy, sing chants of joy. Comfort the children and those who do not understand that you do not leave alone. You are never alone when you leave (die). Many will be leaving the planet. Their souls complied in advance. This is the natural rule. Pray for your family every day, because such a prayer encompasses humanity. Think of each person in your life every day and ask yourself if you have clearly said to them that you love them. Do not put yourself in a position where you leave regretting that you were angry at your husband or had words with your neighbor. Enjoy. Love is and continues always. Keep a part of all you love alive and within reach. Keep pictures of your children. Teach your children about their elders.
Archangel Gabriel, April 2003: "You must know that when there is the presence of angels there is absolutely nothing to fear. There is no force more powerful than direct, clear spiritual love. And that is what the angels operate in, through, around and with all the time. It never ceases."
Prayers to the Angels
I am only a small voice in the millions. But I pray that those with ears please let them hear. I just can't live in ignorance anymore. We as people separate ourselves, we use words like, "religion, race, color, borders, etc. " But they are only words, no matter how you say it. And we as humans give words their meaning. But in truth we are just hiding in fear and ignorance. Fear of our differences. Fear of the unknown. We should embrace our fears, let down all our borders and walls. Embrace each other and celebrate each other for our differences. Make a single world union, one race. If we look after each other as equals, we can elevate as humans. As the opposite of negligence and disregard, As taking care, respecting, and considering. In all our hearts we say we want world peace. It's just a small shift in our perspective. But we are so blinded by all these walls, we can't see how simple it really is. It is all our differences, the many faces of the world that make the perfect human. All of us working together as one. We must stop looking or thinking of ourselves as separate individual, "races, countries, nations, people, ect. "and realize we are all human. Rachelle Taillefer
Dear Angels:
Protect me and show me my highest good in the realm of this world. Help me to know what I need to do next and please guide and protect and rule and light the way, to know that which I need to do for perfect harmony. Yours in love and light, Mikette
Dear Angels:
Thank you for showing you are here in my life. Help me to release all pain, fear and worry, to embrace the joy and love that you offer me in this world. Guide me that I can awaken my true spirit, show my love to my family, my friends, and to walk with a lightness for others to follow.
Thine will be done.
Gabriel Michael, Raphael; Uriel and Divine Shekinnar,
Help your servant to help your servants. There is an Angel you know of with one wing; who is my beloved. There is much chaos and I do not have the strength to pull her out.. I dont believe that I am supposed to go away from her. Please give me good coucil from our Father and brother. Thank you for listening. Birnrsingha dasa
Dear angels,
Thank you my angels for always being with me and for helping those I love when I have asked you to...I devote myself to higher consciousness in the universe and will be guided by your light and messages. I will bring goodness and joy and always try to bring my being into a higher awareness so I can truly become one with my spirit on all levels. Please watch over me when I fall and guide me back to myself. Thank you for answering me when I ask...I know...I feel you around...near. I feel you through me. Thank you for this gift. I need your guidance now and through this time and to guide my other half through this time so we can be re-joined in matter when all is universally aligned. When the time is right. In this lifetime. MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love. I will try and do all in my power here of this earth to bring goodness where I walk. -Laura rabbit
Michael and Raphael,
Thank you for healing me of worries, sickness, and loss of understanding to the signs you send me. Open me to hearing, and heeding the guidance you give. Teach me to help and heal those animals and people I come in contact with.....especially by being all that God made me to be. Thank you for leading, and guiding me to the land and the purchase of it, so I may teach others.
Love, Cathryn
Thank you Angels of God for you prescence, your guidance, your protection, and your divine love. Show me the way that is pure and good and bring be closer to The Lord, Our Father with every step. Please purify me with the Holy Spirit and assist me on my path. Strengthen my heart and create in it a new depth where Christ resides. Thank you for your unconditional Love. Pray for me dear Angels, pray for the healing of this planet, that we may all live in peace and harmony, and I pray for the Angels too!
Love, Julia
Dear Angels: Thank you for the protection, guidance, and love you have given me especially over the last few months. Giving me the strength and guiding me to pray and not to give up faith.
Love, Mary
Dear Gabriel and all angels in which spoke to me, Thankyou for your message of joy and for reasurring me of my purpose to smile. I will listen to your words of love as much as I possibly can. Love Kate
My dearest Angels, I feel so enlighteded, so a child of God, grant me the wisdom, vision and understanding of the affairs of my life, my youngest son and my creative talents, I seek clarity and I thank you for your digital messages of love and all the help you can give me.... Thank you, DeirDre
Prayer to St. Gabriel, Archangel: O St. Gabriel, you who are known as the bearer of God's messages especially for his chosen ones, we God's children are constantly keeping watch on God's messages. Just as you did with the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we also hear from you the messages from God for us. May we radiate God's love to others by our simple but loving deeds. Please obtain for us the grace and present to God the Father our requests, through his Son Jesus Christ and our mother, Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. Jessica
Please hear my requests. I have lived through the worst of times and I need the love and gains that my heart knows must be waiting on me. Please show me the light to guide my life in the right direction. Please bless my children and keep them safe in all events they encounter. Show me the light, give me the materials in which to prosper, help me succeed in the life I am to have, and bring all together as they are meant to be. It must now be time for my catastrophes to end for it has been continuous and long since I have been able to sleep in comfort. Protect all in my life. Amen, Azna
At one time I was lost and now I have been found. I have been saved and I have found the purpose to my life's work. Thank you for preparing me for my journey to my spiritual growth. I have an angel on this earth who is in my life who is in need of mending. I realize that with angels my guide and being one with the light I will be able to comfort her with love and eternal light from all I am that I am. With all my love. Steve
Dear angels who protect me, ever be at my side. Teach me to honor and bless our lord every minute of my life here on earth. St. Michael, along with all the angels and particularly your friend and cohart st. Gregory arm me with the shields and weapons you use to defray the devil and all those who wish evil upon us here on earth. Protector of god's good light, surround me in the light of heaven, help heal all those seeking help in their lives. May almighty god continue to listen to your pleas when we seek your intercession with him on our behalf. You are my models and hope. Be ever near me both day and night. Amen michael
Dear Angels:
Protect me and show me my highest good in the realm of this world. Help me to know what I need to do next and please guide and protect and rule and light the way, to know that which I need to do for perfect harmony. Yours in love and light, Mikette
Dear Angels:
Thank you for showing you are here in my life. Help me to release all pain, fear and worry, to embrace the joy and love that you offer me in this world. Guide me that I can awaken my true spirit, show my love to my family, my friends, and to walk with a lightness for others to follow.
Thine will be done.
Gabriel Michael, Raphael; Uriel and Divine Shekinnar,
Help your servant to help your servants. There is an Angel you know of with one wing; who is my beloved. There is much chaos and I do not have the strength to pull her out.. I dont believe that I am supposed to go away from her. Please give me good coucil from our Father and brother. Thank you for listening. Birnrsingha dasa
Dear angels,
Thank you my angels for always being with me and for helping those I love when I have asked you to...I devote myself to higher consciousness in the universe and will be guided by your light and messages. I will bring goodness and joy and always try to bring my being into a higher awareness so I can truly become one with my spirit on all levels. Please watch over me when I fall and guide me back to myself. Thank you for answering me when I ask...I know...I feel you around...near. I feel you through me. Thank you for this gift. I need your guidance now and through this time and to guide my other half through this time so we can be re-joined in matter when all is universally aligned. When the time is right. In this lifetime. MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love. I will try and do all in my power here of this earth to bring goodness where I walk. -Laura rabbit
Michael and Raphael,
Thank you for healing me of worries, sickness, and loss of understanding to the signs you send me. Open me to hearing, and heeding the guidance you give. Teach me to help and heal those animals and people I come in contact with.....especially by being all that God made me to be. Thank you for leading, and guiding me to the land and the purchase of it, so I may teach others.
Love, Cathryn
Thank you Angels of God for you prescence, your guidance, your protection, and your divine love. Show me the way that is pure and good and bring be closer to The Lord, Our Father with every step. Please purify me with the Holy Spirit and assist me on my path. Strengthen my heart and create in it a new depth where Christ resides. Thank you for your unconditional Love. Pray for me dear Angels, pray for the healing of this planet, that we may all live in peace and harmony, and I pray for the Angels too!
Love, Julia
Dear Angels: Thank you for the protection, guidance, and love you have given me especially over the last few months. Giving me the strength and guiding me to pray and not to give up faith.
Love, Mary
Dear Gabriel and all angels in which spoke to me, Thankyou for your message of joy and for reasurring me of my purpose to smile. I will listen to your words of love as much as I possibly can. Love Kate
My dearest Angels, I feel so enlighteded, so a child of God, grant me the wisdom, vision and understanding of the affairs of my life, my youngest son and my creative talents, I seek clarity and I thank you for your digital messages of love and all the help you can give me.... Thank you, DeirDre
Prayer to St. Gabriel, Archangel: O St. Gabriel, you who are known as the bearer of God's messages especially for his chosen ones, we God's children are constantly keeping watch on God's messages. Just as you did with the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we also hear from you the messages from God for us. May we radiate God's love to others by our simple but loving deeds. Please obtain for us the grace and present to God the Father our requests, through his Son Jesus Christ and our mother, Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. Jessica
Please hear my requests. I have lived through the worst of times and I need the love and gains that my heart knows must be waiting on me. Please show me the light to guide my life in the right direction. Please bless my children and keep them safe in all events they encounter. Show me the light, give me the materials in which to prosper, help me succeed in the life I am to have, and bring all together as they are meant to be. It must now be time for my catastrophes to end for it has been continuous and long since I have been able to sleep in comfort. Protect all in my life. Amen, Azna
At one time I was lost and now I have been found. I have been saved and I have found the purpose to my life's work. Thank you for preparing me for my journey to my spiritual growth. I have an angel on this earth who is in my life who is in need of mending. I realize that with angels my guide and being one with the light I will be able to comfort her with love and eternal light from all I am that I am. With all my love. Steve
Dear angels who protect me, ever be at my side. Teach me to honor and bless our lord every minute of my life here on earth. St. Michael, along with all the angels and particularly your friend and cohart st. Gregory arm me with the shields and weapons you use to defray the devil and all those who wish evil upon us here on earth. Protector of god's good light, surround me in the light of heaven, help heal all those seeking help in their lives. May almighty god continue to listen to your pleas when we seek your intercession with him on our behalf. You are my models and hope. Be ever near me both day and night. Amen michael