Spiritual Healing
About Spiritual Healing and Channeled Healing Readings

"Higher self" refers to the part of you that has the highest possible perspective of whom and what you are and why you decided to be here this lifetime. Your higher self loves you more than you can possibly love yourself consciously, and tries constantly to direct your personality self. The "personality self" is who we think we need to be in order to be safe here; the opinions and instincts of our personality self have developed since the moment we individualized in the womb, and perhaps before.
The higher self has somewhat of a higher perspective of our human "doings" here. This can be likened to a view of our lifepath and actions from a helicopter above us. This higher self is akin to our "soul self." I like to call it the "finger of God"... constantly moving us around on this chessboard of life. This soul self or "higher self" knows just exactly what we need to do at any moment and tries to tell us through such things as dreams and instincts. Connecting with this "higher self" consciously is very empowering. Working with this metaphysical principle is often called "transpersonal" because it transports us to a direct contact with the highest part of ourselves. Consciously connecting the higher self, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind allows us to have a balanced and complete spiritual healing. (The subconscious mind is the inductive computer that cannot deduct, but merely remembers all perceptions we have ever had, from any lifetime when accessed appropriately.)
To order a healing reading, click here.
The higher self has somewhat of a higher perspective of our human "doings" here. This can be likened to a view of our lifepath and actions from a helicopter above us. This higher self is akin to our "soul self." I like to call it the "finger of God"... constantly moving us around on this chessboard of life. This soul self or "higher self" knows just exactly what we need to do at any moment and tries to tell us through such things as dreams and instincts. Connecting with this "higher self" consciously is very empowering. Working with this metaphysical principle is often called "transpersonal" because it transports us to a direct contact with the highest part of ourselves. Consciously connecting the higher self, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind allows us to have a balanced and complete spiritual healing. (The subconscious mind is the inductive computer that cannot deduct, but merely remembers all perceptions we have ever had, from any lifetime when accessed appropriately.)
To order a healing reading, click here.
About Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Inner Child Healing
As a transpersonal hypnotherapist, I help one connect with these three major parts of oneself, and go back to the inner child, or "child of the inner light." All things came from light, so internally we are all light, no matter what camouflage we have adopted to keep our "inner child" safe. We ourselves often do not know any of this consciously, but when you learn it, and consciously give this "trilogy" of our unique godself empowerment to act in our lives, amazing healing occurs. This is true spiritual healing.
We have many bodies that all empathize and try to help one another. The physical is the lowest or most "base" of these bodies, so that when these different bodies have problems that hurt us, they eventually show up in this body. Since all the bodies help each other by drawing attention to some special part of us, we cannot avoid dealing with a problem. The soul directs the attention there by running the "most powerful" emotional experience over and over again - at least vibrationally - so that we will eventually "get it" and look for the original cause...In this the soul retrieval technique of looking for the damaged "inner child" becomes very important. This is because when we are hurt too badly we sort of "splinter off" or "cocoon" into the child we are at that moment of the most hurt and disempowerment. The person we are just continues on doing the best we can to grow and develop. When we become strong enough, the soul urge to become "whole " again becomes empowered, seeks out the means by which we can "retrieve" this "inner child," and tries to help us become whole again.
This is a very simple process, though its explanation is lengthy. We may even consciously know of this child and it's pain inside. But we are seldom given the tools by which to retrievethis part of us and unite this inner child with the person we have become now... Believe me, this transpersonal healing is very complete, much easier and more efficient than you can believe, and wonderfully fulfilling. This is the original abandonment: when we separate off from ourselves because we simply are trying to learn and grow and the lesson seems way too hard, we become "segmented off," less powerful, and believe we have to be victims. We are all very powerful, incredible "beings of Light," and it is time we took control of that loving power and help each other heal and recognize the beauty of all our "inner children;" help them become retrieved and we, therefore, become whole, healed, beautiful beings with a higher perspective of our true spiritual greatness. Only then, can we accomplish what we have come here to do and recognize our soul's real purpose for being here at this time on the wonderful forgiving Mother Earth. Blessing and recognizing all of you beautiful "soul stars." Aho, reverent grandmother Jean
We have many bodies that all empathize and try to help one another. The physical is the lowest or most "base" of these bodies, so that when these different bodies have problems that hurt us, they eventually show up in this body. Since all the bodies help each other by drawing attention to some special part of us, we cannot avoid dealing with a problem. The soul directs the attention there by running the "most powerful" emotional experience over and over again - at least vibrationally - so that we will eventually "get it" and look for the original cause...In this the soul retrieval technique of looking for the damaged "inner child" becomes very important. This is because when we are hurt too badly we sort of "splinter off" or "cocoon" into the child we are at that moment of the most hurt and disempowerment. The person we are just continues on doing the best we can to grow and develop. When we become strong enough, the soul urge to become "whole " again becomes empowered, seeks out the means by which we can "retrieve" this "inner child," and tries to help us become whole again.
This is a very simple process, though its explanation is lengthy. We may even consciously know of this child and it's pain inside. But we are seldom given the tools by which to retrievethis part of us and unite this inner child with the person we have become now... Believe me, this transpersonal healing is very complete, much easier and more efficient than you can believe, and wonderfully fulfilling. This is the original abandonment: when we separate off from ourselves because we simply are trying to learn and grow and the lesson seems way too hard, we become "segmented off," less powerful, and believe we have to be victims. We are all very powerful, incredible "beings of Light," and it is time we took control of that loving power and help each other heal and recognize the beauty of all our "inner children;" help them become retrieved and we, therefore, become whole, healed, beautiful beings with a higher perspective of our true spiritual greatness. Only then, can we accomplish what we have come here to do and recognize our soul's real purpose for being here at this time on the wonderful forgiving Mother Earth. Blessing and recognizing all of you beautiful "soul stars." Aho, reverent grandmother Jean